My first blog post


Hi everyone !!

I remember 15 years back my uncle got injured in a road traffic accident and broke his wrist. Being terrified and confused we rushed to a renowned Orthopaedic surgeon who was luckily not too far away. To our great relief he set his bones within a few hours and it united smoothly. Since then my dream was to become an Orthopaedic surgeon and by GOD's grace today I am one. I am here to share all my knowledge and skills so that it comes to the benefit of those who are in my position 15 years back. I am passionate about serving the needy - not attached to any corporate big house till now, serving in sub-urban Kolkata and peripheral regions around my location. I have expertise in treating trauma, joint disease (replacement and reconstruction) and sports injury. 

Here I would like to share a case of a rare injury. A 28 year old male suffered a serious road traffic accident  while returning home in the early phase of this lockdown and broke his left femur ( the thigh bone: the longest bone in human body) at two places simultaneously which is quite uncommon. Surgery in this injury is quite complicated, technically demanding and takes quite a long time (near about three hours). In the situation of pandemic and lockdown that was a huge challenge. We took up the task and by Gods grace were successful to produce an excellent outcome. Here are some pictures of the fracture, the operating room procedures, how we reduced the broken bone and his 5 month post operative condition. He came to us just a couple of days back and he has started walking with no discomfort.

I thank almighty to bestow me with some knowledge and skill to help people from their misery and I will look forward to the opportunities to treat those who need and will try my very best to produce satisfactory outcome like this. 

Thank you everyone to go through this long blog and have a great day !!!


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